400,000 RMB Donated to USTC from Academician CHEN Guoliang to Establish Scholarship



In the morning of June 25, USTC president HOU Jianguo and Academician CHEN Guoliang signed the paper of "the Agreement of Establishment the Academician Chen Guoliang Scholarship".



Academician Chen Guoliang donated 400 thousand RMB to USTC in the Signing ceremony to establish "the Academician Chen Guoliang Scholarship". The sholarship will support the development of school education, and help excellent undergraduate students who are in poverty to finish their classes. They will be assisted  with the interest of donation every year.



USTC leaders XU Wu, HOU Jianguo delivered their best wishes to Academician Chen Guoliang, and appreciated his kind heart and unselfish spirit as well.