KeJia Robot of USTC Selected as Representative Project of the JHRI


Recently the research progress of OK-KeJia Robot of USTC has been included in the Perspectives and Projects from around the Globe of the top Journal of Human-Robot Interaction (JHRI) after receiving high praise from the Human-Robot Interaction of the National Science Foundation in 2011.

The special issue includes representative achievements in the international HRI field. The nine published papers were first recommended by the top researchers of the field and then reviewed twice, of which two are from Asia. The research achievement of USTC titled “Toward Open Knowledge Enabling for Human-Robot Interaction” illustrated part of the latest progress of the OK-KeJia Robot, containing the multi-mode natural language processing, integrated planning system and technology of automatic acquisition of open source knowledge , as well as relative experimental test. The test consists of two major tasks set by of 11615 user tasks and 467 user desires, and these semi-structured natural language expression test cases were taken from a large open source knowledge base OMICS, by the network user input. In addition to knowledge of action models and linguistic knowledge of the robot, the open knowledge the robot could gather for the task planning in the experiments was limited to two tables of OMICS and the synonymies of WordNet.

This is the first systematic test based on the large-scale real user requests and technology of automatic acquisition of semi-structured / unstructured open source knowledge, which is a great challenge for the higher cognitive functions of the robot. Another paper focuses on the robot network system for public places, which is jointly developed by the Japan International Electric Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute (ATR) and Osaka University and funded by the Japanese government. The two papers were both included in the 5 representative large scale system of the first group. The EU 7th framework for human-computer interaction project was also included in the representative large scale system which was jointly cooperated by nine European universities and research institutions including German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Imperial College London.

Human-computer interaction is one of the core contents of the service robot research, the essential characteristics that distinguishes it from industrial robots and contains major scientific and technological challenges which are also the main direction of domestic and international robot development. Part of the OK-KeJia robot of USTC are evaluated as the forefront of the world in the large-scale assessment of the global human-computer interaction research and application funded by National Science Foundation in 2011.

USTC continues to make progress of basic research of OK-KeJia robot and at the same time improves the practical level of the social robot. Based on the independent research and development on the hardware platform of USTC and aiming at mid-term test for functional indicators, OK-KeJia robot acted on its own to lead the audience and finished the personalized commentary of History Museum Hall of USTC. The robot was also invited as the only robot guest of honor of the award ceremony of the 2012 CCTV Chinese annual scientific and technological innovation figures and it successfully completed the task and stepped out the first step to serve the society.

The project of OK-KeJia was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National 863 Program and the Fund for Project of Important Direction of USTC.

(Edited and Translated by JI Jiaojiao, USTC News Center)