The 5th ChinaSys Workshop Held



On October 17th and 18th, the 5th ChinaSys Workshop hosted by School of Computer Science and Technology was held in Suzhou Institute for Advanced Study, USTC. More than 80 participants from the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Science (ICT), Tsinghua University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Fudan University, National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), AMD, BAIDU, Intel and NVIDIA attended the workshop, which almost covered all the major domestic research teams in computer systems field.


Assoc. Prof. Yu Zhang of USTC presided over the opening ceremony, and Prof. Hong An of USTC briefly introduced the program. Some teachers and students from USTC who engaged in computer systems, parallel algorithms and computer architectures also attended the workshop.


One of the important features inherited from the 4th ChinaSys Workshop was to invite senior technical specialist from industries who engaged in the research and development of computer systems and architectures to attend the meeting. At this workshop, Shin-ming Liu, Director of IoT (Internet of Things) Lab of Intel Labs China, gave a keynote report titled “Internet of Things--A computer architecture evolution perspective”. Also, Julien Lai, senior engineer in NVIDIA, gave a keynote report titled “Future Directions for CUDA & HPC at NVIDIA”. They discussed recent research progresses and related challenges on IoT and CUDA in areas such as computer systems and architectures.


In the two-days' workshop, 22 researchers from different universities and institutes presented their work on computer systems and architectures. The workshop allowed researchers and practitioners to understand future development and challenges in the area of computer systems and computer architectures, offered opportunities for exchange and cooperation between researchers and practitioners, promoting a better growth to computer systems and computer architectures of China.


ChinaSys is a community for researchers and practitioners on computer systems in China. The goal is sharing resources and providing a forum for the community to exchange ideas and meet each other. The community interests include operating systems, virtualization, parallel and distributed systems, system security, mobile embedded systems, cloud computing, multi-core and many-core systems, interactions among programming languages, computer architecture and systems.


ChinaSys was inspired by EuroSys( and WWW Computer Architecture ( and founded in 2011. ChinaSys currently organizes an invitation-only retreat twice a year, to exchange ideas and gather feedback for each research results.