Three Teachers of SCST were Selected into University Excellent CS Teacher Reward Program 2019


Computer Education Conference of China 2020 (CECC 2020) with the theme of “new changes, new technologies, new opportunities” was held in Xiamen on 19th December. This conference was jointly organized by the Teaching Steering Committee of University Computer Program of the Ministry of Education, the Teaching Steering Committee of University Software Engineering Program of the Ministry of Education, the Teaching Steering Committee of University Cyberspace Security Program of the Ministry of Education and the Teaching Steering Committee of University Computer Course of the Ministry of Education.


In the morning, the award ceremony of University Excellent CS Teacher Reward Program 2019 was held after the opening ceremony of the conference. 54 outstanding CS teachers from more than 30 universities in mainland China received the certificates of merit jointly issued by the Teaching Steering Committee of University Computer Program of the Ministry of Education, China Computer Federation (CCF) and China Teacher Development Foundation. John Hopcroft, Turing Award winner, Chinese Government Friendship Award winner, and foreign academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wen GAO, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director of Peng Cheng Laboratory, and Professor of Peking University and other guests attended the award ceremony and delivered speeches.


University Excellent CS Teacher Reward Program is a folk charitable reward program guided by the Ministry of Education and National Natural Science Foundation of China, jointly initiated by John Hopcroft (Turing Award winner) and Wen GAO (Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering) and set up by some high-tech enterprises with important social influence, which donated to the China Teacher Development Foundation.


After carrying out the first batch of review and award in some universities in 2018, Reward Program 2019 covered 10 CS basic undergraduate courses at nearly 50 universities in mainland China. After nearly one year of review, 54 teachers were selected as winners with 100,000 yuan prize. Three teachers from our school (Professor Hong AN, Professor Yun XU and Associate Professor Yu ZHANG) were selected into this Program, and the number of winners ranked the 4th among universities in mainland China.

Professor Hong AN’s winning course, Introduction of Computer System has been offered for 10 years from 2010, which was selected as one of the first batch of National First-Class Courses in 2020. Professor Yun XU’s winning course, Parallel Computing was selected into the first batch of National Excellent Courses in 2003. Associate Professor Yu ZHANG’s winning course, Compilation Principle and Technology was selected into Anhui Excellent Courses in 2013. These courses played an important role in the cultivation of undergraduates in our school for many years. The three teachers devoted themselves into the teaching and made excellent achievements in the teaching reform. The awards are well deserved and set good examples, which can promote the further improvement of the undergraduate teaching quality of our school.